
All Saints Day November 3, 2024
Worship at 9 am Rite II with special music

Welcome to St. Paul’s Parish
as we celebrate the season of Pentecost.

Gathering together,
worshiping God,
sharing the journey since 1851.

On Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It sounded like the rush of a violent wind.  And tongues of fire rested on them.  They spoke and heard of God’s deeds of power.

Also at Pentecost, we begin the longest period of ordinary time in the church year.  Ordinary Time comes from the Latin word ordinal and simply indicates the marking or counting of time.  We will mark many weeks until we arrive at the next season of the church year – Advent. Yes, the long liturgical green season is upon us!  May the rhythm of these weeks allow the Holy Spirit – the Breath of God – the Advocate – the comforter – to dwell in us and lead us into new places, new encounters, and new relationships.  

Shawn +