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Welcome to St. Paul’s Parish
as we celebrate
the season of Lent.
Gathering together, worshiping God,
sharing the journey since 1851.
We change the language of our liturgy during each church season. We do so to reflect the nature of that season, reveal the richness of our liturgical heritage, and keep our minds alert to our prayers. When we pour our souls into our liturgy, it comes alive and forms who we are.
The season of Lent hinges on the Easter festival. In the early days of the Church, as many new converts were preparing for their baptism at Easter, a period of study, reflection, fasting and humility developed within the church. At first, perhaps, only the candidates for baptism participated in these intentional practices. In time the Church developed Lenten traditions for everyone as an opportunity to reflect on our own baptism, re-consider what it means to be part of the Body of Christ, and rigorously examine our relationship with God and each other.
This Lent, may we remember our baptismal promise to resist evil, proclaim the Good News, and strive for God’s justice.Many Lenten Blessings,

The Rev. Shawn Dickerson